Indian Overseas Bank adds festive cheer among its 21,265 employees across India and abroad for Diwali

Chennai: Indian Overseas Bank, one of the leading public sector banks in India, has decided to usher in the festive season by distributing gifts and sweets worth INR 2500 to its 21,265 employees across India and abroad. This gesture is a token of appreciation and recognition for all its employees’ contribution, dedication and commitment to the bank’s successful operations. This initiative aligns with the bank’s tradition of valuing each of its employees’ contribution and celebrating key milestones and festive seasons together.

Expressing his sentiments on the initiative, Mr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Managing Director & CEO, Indian Overseas Bank, said, “Our employees are the backbone of the bank, and it is due to their hard work and dedication that the bank has been seeing year-on-year successful business operations. We believe that it is important to express our gratitude and recognise their efforts. This gesture is a small way of thanking all our employees for their invaluable contributions.”

This initiative has been welcomed with great enthusiasm by the bank’s employees, reinforcing the unison and solidarity that defines the bank’s organisational cultural ethos. Last year as well the bank distributed sweets worth INR 2000 each to all its staff members.

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